COLOR SCHEMES See how harmonious analogous color schemes come together to create a striking design in any home.
Even the most experienced interior designer counts on the color wheel for creative inspiration when it comes to selecting paint colors. In this article, discover how the careful combination of three side-by-side colors, known as an analogous color scheme, yields a cohesive, interesting look for any room.
Examples of Captivating Analogous Color Schemes
With its use of low-slung red-violet chairs, red area rug, and a wall in Shadow 2117-30, a royal amethyst and former Color of the Year, this striking space uses a successful red, red-violet & violet analogous color scheme.
A farmhouse kitchen combines the calming energy of blue, blue-green & green to create an elegant look.
Keep colors soft for a relaxing, restful atmosphere as seen here in the balanced use of a yellow, yellow-green & green analogous color scheme.
Muted hues work in any space, as in this earthy yellow, yellow-green & green color combination. Home accessories, like the bowls seen here, are an easy way to incorporate analogous colors.