Explore a range of color palettes developed by our color and design experts.
Legacy colors that stand the test of time.
Expressive colors across the spectrum.
Eliminate guesswork: With 144 colors expertly formulated to mix and match, Affinity creates harmonious color flow from room-to-room.
Aura® Color Stories® 240 colors exhibit an accentuated response to different lighting conditions; available only in Aura interior paints.
From soft pinks to pastel blues, discover a fresh palette curated from our top pale and pastel paint colors.
The ultimate collection of white and off-white paint colors gleaned from our long history and compiled from several collections.
Explore monochromatic color schemes of greens, berries, blushes and blues.
The Historical Collection offers 191 hues inspired by 18th and 19th century American architecture.
A thoughtful edit of comfortable and refined colors.
Trend meets tradition in the Williamsburg® Paint Color Collection.
Learn how to work with your favorite paint colors with insights from our color and design team.
See how color and color combinations influence the mood of a home.
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