This website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) belongs to the company under the trade name “VOYATZOGLOU S.A. – TRADE OF FURNITURE PARTS & STORE FURNITURE, STORAGE & DISTRIBU-TION OF THIRD-PARTY PRODUCT SERVICES” (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), which maintains and offers the website’s contents and services according to the following terms and conditions of use. Each visitor/user of the Website should carefully read these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms” or “Terms of Use” or “Terms”) before further using the Website in any way and in the event of any disagreement he/she should refrain from any further use whatsoever.

Use of the Website implies the full, explicit, and unconditional acceptance of these Terms by the visi-tor/user. These Terms of Use apply to the entire content of the Website.

The Company may renew, supplement, update and/or modify the Terms of Use, in whole or partially, whenever deemed necessary. For their thorough information, the users/visitors are also required to check for any modifications and/or additions of the Terms of Use.

Continuance of use of the Website after any modification or completion or update of the Terms of Use, in-dicates acceptance by the user of the revised Terms. In case of non-acceptance, the user must abstain from any use/visit of the Website.


The Company is the owner of the Website and all its contents. The Company has full and complete copyright, which includes, amongst other rights, the exclusive right to use and exploit both the Website, under Law 2121/1993 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, as applicable, as from the time of its creation, and any other application or work that may be considered to be directly or indirectly linked to the Website.

All logos, database rights, trademarks, and other industrial property rights of this Website, as well as its structure and design, are owned exclusively by the Company unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Printing and copying for personal noncommercial use and downloading in a computer of the website’s contents is al-lowed, however, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, per-form, translate, modify in any way, partially or in summary, of any content of the Website and above rights, without the previous expressed written consent of the Company.

Every person who wishes to incorporate in its website any part/content of the Website is obliged to obtain prior writ-ten consent of the Company, which reserves the right to withdraw such consent-authorization at any time.


Use of the Website must be done in accordance with the law and the present Terms of Use solely for legitimate pur-poses and must not restrict or impede third party use.

Use of the Website for sending, publishing, transmitting, reproducing or otherwise disposing of content that may for any reason be, or considered to be, unlawful, threatening, disturbing, obscene or expressing racial opinions, or other discriminations, violent or threatening to violate any patent, trademark, copyright or other property rights of third par-ties, containing software viruses or any other codes, files, programs designed to cause harm, destroying or obstructing the function of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally, and in general violating the appli-cable Greek and Union law, is prohibited.

It is also forbidden for the user to use any software, formula or device to intervene or attempt to intervene electroni-cally or manually in the organization or functionality of the Website, to destroy, alter or otherwise interfere in the final form of this Website or its code, to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to any of the Company’s net-works.

In the event that the Company finds any use by the visitor/user to be in breach of the above, then the user, regard-less of any other sanctions, automatically loses his/her right to use the Website and is obliged to immediately cease use of the Website.


The Company does not in any way warrant for uninterrupted and error-free provision of the services and content of the Website, nor for absence of viruses, whether on the Website or any other site or server whose content the user accesses.

The visitor/user acknowledges himself/herself to be solely responsible for the correct and lawful use of the Website and must carry out all necessary checks. As a result, any loss or damage of/to the Website or the network that may result from use or inability of the user to use the respective services, the user is the sole responsible, who is also liable to pay damages to the Company in case he violates the Terms of Use or the law.

The Website’s information and services are provided “as are”. Although every effort is made to ensure that infor-mation provided is accurate, complete, true, updated and largely available to the extent possible, the Company does not warrant for the correctness and accuracy or the merchantability, or suitability of these elements, which the visitor uses solely on his/her own responsibility.

The Company holds no liability, direct or indirect, for any claims, legal, civil or penal or for any damage/loss/loss of prof-its of the user/visitor of this Website, in any case, including negligence.

Given the structure of the network, the Company makes every effort for the network’s good operation, but cannot ensure that its servers operation will be continuous, without mistakes, virus-free, malware or any other similar ele-ments.

Therefore, the Company accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur during or after the use of this Website, downloading material, texts or any other material included, Website error or services that may cause dam-age/loss to the user nor for any alteration or destruction, program errors (bugs), human factor, program malfunction, or any other error, omission or delay in computer or network connection.

In any case, we suggest that the users use virus and malware protection software every time they connect to the in-ternet.


Η Ιστοσελίδα παρέχει απευθείας πρόσβαση σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους ή/και ηλεκτρονικές διευθύνσεις. Η παραπομπή σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους γίνεται προς διευκόλυνση των χρηστών της Εταιρείας και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν δημιουργεί οποιασδήποτε μορφής δέσμευση.
Η Εταιρεία δεν αποδέχεται απαραιτήτως ούτε παρέχει οποιαδήποτε εγγύηση για το περιεχόμενό τους ή τις υπηρεσίες αυτών και δεν αποδέχεται οποιαδήποτε ευθύνη που ενδεχομένως επικαλεσθεί επισκέπτης/χρήστης από την πρόσβαση σε αυτούς τους δικτυακούς τόπους ή από τη συλλογή προσωπικών δεδομένων από αυτούς, ούτε βεβαίως εγγυάται τη διαθεσιμότητά τους.
Προβλήματα που τυχόν προκύψουν κατά την επίσκεψη / χρήση αυτών των δικτυακών τόπων ανάγονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο στη σφαίρα ευθύνης των αντίστοιχων δικτυακών τόπων, όπου και οφείλουν να απευθύνονται οι επισκέπτες/χρήστες.


The Website offers direct access to other websites and/or addresses. A hyperlink to other websites is only provided for the convenience of the Website users and in no way creates any form of commitment to any person.

The Company does not accept or provide any warranty regarding their content or services and it does not accept any liability that a visitor/user may allege from accessing these websites or from the collection of personal data made by these sites nor does it, of course, warrant for their availability. Moreover, the Company is not responsible for the terms of personal data use and protection that these sites apply thereto.

Any problems that may arise while visiting/using these websites rest solely in the sphere of liability of the respective websites, to which the users should address.


This Website collects personal data when the visitor/user uses the contact form or subscribes to the newsletters via the according registration form.

Also, the Company collects all the data that the user has allowed to be visible via social media platforms (Facebook, Google Plus etc.) to the Company, such as when he/she accesses or connects to a Company’s service through/to a social media platform service. It may also collect user data that is public, or posts that are shared through the Compa-ny’s services. When filling out the contact form the user is asked to give information, which include his/her name, sur-name, e-mail address, sector of his company (if applicable) and area, while in the newsletter subscription form, only the e-mail address is asked.

The data collected as mentioned, through social media platforms may include the name and surname, mobile phone number or/and e-mail address, access code, date of birth, sex, data related to the aforementioned social media plat-forms, such as information or content that the user has allowed the platform to send to the Company, as well as the user’s profile picture, friends’ list, and personal data that have been publicly posted on these platforms. When the user accesses the Company’s services through social media platforms or when connects the Company’s Services to the social media platforms, he/she gives the Company permission to collect, store and use the relevant personal data and content according to the present Terms of Use.

Public data and posts that are comments or content published by the user on the Company’s services and the person-al data or relevant content that is included (e.g., assumed name, username, comments, likes, situation, profile infor-mation and profile picture) are, as public and published by the user himself/herself, always available to everyone and may appear in search results of other search engines.

When the user visits the Website, the Company also collects information relevant to its IP addresses. This is how the Internet provider (Internet Service Provider-ISP). The Company collects and uses IP addresses for statistics reasons. The Company does not collect financial information of the users.

Also, the Website does not collect special personal data (“sensitive personal data”), since it does not ask, at any point, during subscription or any other service, information about race, nationality, political opinions, religion or other convic-tions, health, penal history, union activity etc.

The Company uses the personal data collected as above in order to inform the visitors/users and to select the content offered to them so that such content is relevant to their general preferences with the aim to meet the requirements of the customers/users of the services and products available from and through the Website and their information on new services and products.

The users can ask for their personal data to be corrected or deleted, among others, through the Website’s contact form.


While registering to the Company’s newsletters, the visitor/user is asked to provide information such as his / her name, surname, e-mail address, his/her company’s sector (if applicable) and the area.

Such data is being processed by the Company in order to inform the users about its products and services and for the direct marketing of the products, always in accordance with the Privacy Policy applied and with the law governing elec-tronic communications and the relevant applicable legislation.

Any user who receives newsletters can at any time request termination of the communication and oppose to the col-lection and use of his data, in an easy and cost-free way, by choosing to unsubscribe from the Company’s newsletters, an option that is provided to any relevant message sent to him/her, in a clear and distinct way.


The Company recognizes the importance of the security of the visitors/users’ personal data and is committed to en-suring the security and integrity of the data collected through the Website.

Therefore, the Company adopts procedures and undertakes and applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to safeguard the personal data of the users and to protect such data from unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. The Website’s and the Company’s services are not directed to children and no data of persons under the age of 16 is consciously collected.

The Company processes the users’ personal data for reasons related to the use of the Website (e.g., updating, sub-mitting orders, etc.), to improve the services provided and by no means for reasons that are incompatible with the purposes of their collection. Such data is retained only for as long as necessary for the purpose of their processing.

Employees of the Company who have access to the users’ personal data are specific and, in any case, bound by obliga-tions of confidentiality and security of such data. Unauthorized access is prohibited, except where the use by third parties is permitted or required by law, for example, by competent authorities.

Users’ personal information may also be disclosed to affiliates of the Company or enterprises which co-operate with the Company for the purpose of supporting, promoting, and performing the customer relationship with the Company, etc., supporting the Website, etc. In these cases, the Company ensures that these companies implement similar measures that ensure security and confidentiality of the users’ personal data.


The Website may use cookies to offer an optimal surfing experience. Cookies are a form of encryption, little text files, that the Website puts in the visitor’s/user’s computers and cannot access any document or file in the computer, nor can reveal the visitor’s/user’s real identity.

The cookies used by the Website are divided into session and persistent cookies.

Session cookies are temporarily stored as files in the visitor’s/user’s computer but are automatically deleted when the browser is turned off or the user exits the Website. Persistent cookies are stored as computer files and remain even when the browser is turned off unless they are deleted by the user.

The Company uses web analytics cookies, from Google, which allow the Company to view the interaction of users within the Website. These cookies do not store personal data as other websites and are only based on the browsing history.

If the user accesses the Website’s services through a mobile or other device, the Company may a collect a single de-vice recognition sign that has been assigned to this particular device, geographical data, or other interaction data for this device. It may also collect cookies and other data (such as browser cookies, icons, beacons, and Adobe Flash oth-erwise known as “Flash cookies”).

The Company uses cookies so that the server hosting the Website recognizes the users when they revisit it as well as measure the use of various Website pages so that the Company can edit it based on the users’ need for access and to ease the visitor’s/user’s access to specific Website services that are useful, popular or for marketing reasons. The Company does not use cookies to elicit information about other websites that the user visits or personal data. The cookies do not alter or harm the user’s computer, programs or files.


All browsers allow the visitor/user of the Website to limit cookies through computer settings or browser settings and he/she is notified of the cookies use in specific Website services, so that cookies’ use is not allowed in any case.

In case the visitor/user of these specific Website services does not wish cookies to be used for his/her identification, no further access to these services can be achieved.


Users have the right to access their personal data, be informed of the processing and request a copy thereof, have their data rectified or erased or have incomplete personal data completed, ask for restriction of processing, object to the further processing of their data, etc., as provided for in the applicable Greek and European legislation, for the pro-tection of personal data. If and to the extent that the processing is based on their consent, users also have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without prejudice to the legitimacy of the processing already made based on such consent up to its revocation.

For any query, suggestion, remark or statement upon any matter that concerns users as well as the exercise of any of their rights as subjects of personal data held by the Company, users may contact the Company by email to: customerath@Voyatzoglou.gr and/or by telephone, in the following number: 2102888700.


The present Terms of Use are governed by the Greek law.

Any dispute arising from the present Terms shall be brought before the courts of Athens, which are designated as competent courts.


This Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) refers to the personal information collected, processed and used by “VOYATZOGLOU S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “We”) with registered offices in Metamorfosi Attica, 12 km Athens-Lamia National Road.

All references to “We”, “us” or the “Company” within this Policy framework refer to the Company and the companies belonging to the VOYATZOGLOU group of companies, depending on the case.

Our Company processes personal data as an employer, prospective employer, supplier of products and services, for marketing related purposes and in the course of its operations and its standard business in the sectors of:

  • Complete store & warehouse equipment solutions
  • Commerce & Distribution of technical and D.I.Y. products

It also processes personal information when cooperating with third parties / business partners and with respect to the visits to its website.

The Company, as any company-member of the VOYATZOGLOU group of companies, processes personal data used to interact with other companies-members of the Group, and since VOYATZOGLOU S.A. deals in the Athens Stock Exchange, also processes information related to its investors and their relation to the Company.

Data we process

We process personal data which include but are not limited to:

Regarding employees: Information referring to the name, tax registration number – tax office, social security number, birth date and place, gender, contact details (full address, email address, phone number), passport, visas and ID num-bers, bank details, driver’s license number etc. of our employees, name and tax registration number of their spouses, date of birth and other data evidenced by birth certificates of children and, in general, all information needed for the execution of a contract of employment.

Regarding job applicants: Information referring to the name, mailing address, telephone numbers and other details and information may be included in an application (such as pictures/photographs, educational qualifications, profes-sional certifications, and employment references) of job applicants.

Regarding suppliers: Information referring to the name, surname, tax registration number – tax office, ID number, op-eration accounting number, country of registration, job title and role/function, mailing address (country, town, city, street etc.), phone number, email address etc. of our suppliers (in case of natural persons – individual enterprises) and those of their representatives and/or contact persons (in case of legal entities).

Regarding clients: Information referring to the name and surname, tax registration number – tax office, operation ac-counting number, country of registration, job title and role/function mailing address (country, town, city, street etc.), phone number, email address etc. of our clients (in case of natural persons – individual enterprises) or their repre-sentatives and/or contact persons (in case of legal entities).

Regarding website visitors: Information about the IP address, browser type and Internet Service Provider, websites visited, URL referred, date-time-duration of the visit, data extracted and files downloaded etc. of our website visitors.

Regarding our stockholders and their joint holders: first and last name, ID or passport number, nationality, contact in-formation (post address, phone numbers, e-mail address), their DSS number etc.

Special categories of data

Where necessary, we may keep information relating to a subject’s health, which could include reasons for absence and /or accident reports, as well as health exams results, medical reports and other health related data and records, as is the case with our personnel, within the framework of the Company’s obligations for the execution of a contract of employment and for reasons of sick pay or leave, etc.

All above data and any other data that constitutes special category of data are lawfully collected and processed by the Company and, unless this is not authorized or required by law or such information is required to protect the subject in an emergency, we obtain the subject’s explicit consent.

Where we collect personal data from

The Company collects personal information:

Directly from the data subject, as in the case of potential employees, employees, our clients’ contact persons, our suppliers, etc.

From sources within the company, when an employee of ours refers a person a potential employee or client or sup-plier, etc.

From third parties, such as representatives, mediators, suppliers, partners, etc.

Through our Athens Stock Exchange electronic information system, when we need to communicate with it, in the case that we need to have access to necessary files for the update of our shareholder registries.

From publicly accessible sources, such as trade registries, reports of the sector, the Internet, catalogues, newspapers etc.

Why we process personal data

Personal data is processed by our Company as necessary for the performance of our core business. In particular and as the case may be:

We process our employees’ personal data in order to fulfil our contractual obligations towards them within the framework of the employment agreement executed between us (i.e., for reasons of wages and social security contri-butions payment etc.), as well as to comply with legal requirements (i.e., announcement to the authorities, social se-curity payments etc.)

We process job applicants’ personal data in order to assess their applications and evaluate their overall qualifications and ability to work for us, having eventually prompt consent thereof, in which case they – either directly or through an agency or otherwise in question – have delivered their resume to our Company.

We process our suppliers’ (in case of natural persons) or (in case of legal entities) their representatives’ and contact persons’ personal data, in order to meet our contractual and legal obligations towards them, within the framework of the supply or services or other commercial agreements executed between us (for reasons of payment, invoicing, de-livery of products etc.)

We process our contractors’ and service providers’ (in case of natural persons) or their representatives’ and contact persons’ personal data, in order to execute the contracting-services agreements (for reasons of invoicing, payment etc.)

We process our clients’ (in case of natural persons) or (in case of companies) their representatives’ and contact per-sons’ personal data, in order to comply with our obligations arising by the business relationship therewith (for reasons of invoicing processing, delivery of products, payment etc.)

Our stockholders’ data, in order to adhere to our legal obligations based on tax law and regulations as a company ad-mitted to the Stock Exchange.

In the cases where the processing is made to fulfill contractual obligations, the purpose of personal data processing is determined by the contract in place with the data subject, whereas in the case where the processing is dictated by law or regulation, the purpose thereof is usually related to provisions of commercial, industrial, trade or tax authorities and bodies or to serve authorities’ control purposes.

In certain cases, we need to process personal data to pursue our legitimate business interests, for example to prevent fraud, security breaches or potential crimes, for administrative purposes or to protect the Company’s assets and to improve our efficiency (as is the case with our CCTV systems, personal data required for clients’ complaints handling etc.).

Without such data, the Company may not be in the position to conclude contracts with suppliers and customers, con-tinue the employe – eemployer relationship and/or the contractors’ agreements etc., as the case may be.

We also process personal data after being given consent of the subject for their benefit (such as employees giving consent to be included in a group insurance contract etc.)

In such cases the data subject may withdraw consent at any time, such withdrawal not affecting, though, the data pro-cessing up to the date of the withdrawal.

CCTV surveillance / E-mail correspondence

In our Company’s premises there is a CCTV system which records images and not sound. This recording fully adheres to the law regarding video surveillance.

Outside the Company’s premises, personal data processing may be taking place through equipment belonging to the Company (e.g., laptops or tablets, mobile phones etc.) for reasons pertaining to the Company’s legal interests, to pro-tect its assets and resources, following consent by the subjects/employees/cooperators.

Any personal data (name, address, title/position, contact details) we send and/or receive in our email or other elec-tronic correspondence is processed in compliance with the GDPR and any other applicable law or regulation.

Our Company uses the personal data contained therein and any attachments thereto lawfully, fairly and in a transpar-ent manner; for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; and the correspondence recipients are duly informed that they have all rights provided for by respective legislation.

Social media platforms

The Company has its own accounts in social media platforms/networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest). When visiting these accounts, the visitor’s IP address and the rest of his personal data are transmitted to the provider of the social media platform and are processed according to the privacy policy of the specific provider.





How we use and protect personal data

We do not collect more information than we need to fulfil the purposes for which we process personal data.

We hold accurate and up to date data in manners that reasonably ensure appropriate security thereof, protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

We restrict physical access to authorized persons and maintain and use appropriate technical and organizational measures and specified technological solutions and IT systems to protect the integrity, safety, security and availability of the personal data we process.

Automated decision making and profiling

The company does not use automated decision making nor profiling according to the legislation pertaining to personal data.

How long we retain personal data for

Personal data is retained for no more than it is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed for.

During the time that personal data is retained by the Company, we apply the needed and appropriate technical measures, as stated by law, to protect the rights and personal data of the subjects and ensure the safety and the con-fidentiality of this data (e.g., limiting the illegal and non-authorized access to this data, accidental loss, destruction or damage).

When we process personal data, after being given the subject’s consent, this process takes place for as long the con-sent is valid and until revoked by the subject.

Who has access to personal data processed

Personal data is disclosed only to Company’s authorized personnel. We may also disclose personal data to competent authorities, if and insofar this disclosure is mandatory under applicable law (e.g., social insurance organizations, tax authorities etc.)

We also communicate personal data to service providers and external advisors (e.g. lawyers and computerized sys-tems providers) to pursue our legal interests or whenever we need to adhere to our contractual obligations to the subject of the personal data, for example to informatics providers, banks or other financial institutions for the handling of payments etc., as well as for issues regarding delivery of products/or when we need to communicate specific in-formation to our insurance providers (e/g/ in the case of an accident).

In all such cases, we provide access where appropriate and only in accordance with applicable laws and we try to en-sure that such third parties have undertaken appropriate data processing obligations to ensure the security and confi-dentiality of the subjects’ data.

In view of our international activity and the structure of our Group, personal data may be transferred outside the EEA, in case we need to fulfill legal or contractual obligations or/and for reasons regarding the operation of our Group.

This happens only when an adequate level of protection is ensured, or when, standardized contractual terms includ-ed, those ensure the data’s adequate protection.

In view of continuous development and expansion of our business, we may be involved in mergers and/or acquisi-tions with other entities, in which cases it is typical to have personal data entailed in the financial and legal due dili-gence. The Company ensures the confidentiality and security of personal data processed with respect to such transac-tions, by accordingly implementing, in all such cases, personal data protective provisions and/or other safeguards such as non-disclosure obligations and data protection agreements etc.

When we assign data processing

Where the Company relies on a third-party data processor, to execute personal data processing on its behalf, we choose one who provides adequate security level and measures and undertake reasonable steps to ensure compli-ance of the data processor with such measures, binding ourselves with it with respective data processing agreements.

Future use and update

If in the future we intend to process personal data for a purpose other than that which it has been collected for, we will inform the subject of that purpose and any other relevant information if such purpose is not compatible with the initial one.

Data subject’s rights

If and to the extent we process a subject’s personal data based on his/her consent, the subject may withdraw con-sent and request us to stop using and/or disclosing such personal data for any or all the purposes for which consent has been granted to the Company.

A data subject is also entitled to request access to his/her personal data, i.e., provision of a copy thereof and/or re-spective information on his/her personal data processed by the Company. The subject may also request rectification of any inaccurate personal data or supplementation thereof, erasure or restriction of processing, as the case may be and under the legal prerequisites thereof. He/she also has the right to object to our Company’s processing, if and as the case may be, as well as to receive the data in machine-readable format.

To exercise the aforementioned rights, the data subjects can contact the Company via the form available on the Web-site as well as:

– by fax: 2102888699

– by tel.: 2102888700

– by email: customerath@Voyatzoglou.gr

In the address: 12km Athens-Lamia National Road, Postal Code 14451, Metamorfosi.

In the case where any data subject believes his/her personal data protection is breached by the Company, he/she may file a respective complaint before the competent Data Protection Authority (ΑΠΔΠΧ / www.dpa.gr / 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, P.C. 115 23, Athens / tel.: +30 210 6475600 / fax: + 30 210 6475628 / e-mail: contact@dpa.gr).

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy from time to time. Regularly reviewing our website ensures that a data subject is always aware of the updated version. If we make substantial changes to this Policy, we will promptly provide notification via prominent notice on our website or to the relevant data subjects’ category.